The Children Of Respected

Respected Pir has three sons and a daughter. His sons are Mustafa Efendi, Abdulaziz Efendi, and Abdurrahim Efendi, they all are scholars. His daughter’s name is Farah sultan. His descendents kept the name Ussakizade as their family name.

Mustafa Efendi is the eldest son of Pir Husameddin Ussaki. He was born in the year 970 after the migration of the Prophet (1562 A.C.) After completing his education, he served as Mollah in Halep, Kudus, Medina, Selanik, Bursa, Edirne, and Eyup. He became the kadi (head judge) of Istanbul in the Ramadan of 1033 H (migration of Prophet Muhammad) and he was given the Anatolia’s Kazasker (military head-judge) rank after being dismissed from this position in 1034 after Hijra (1624M). He died in the year 1037 H (1628M). He was buried in Ussaki Center in Kasımpasha. He was a righteous, chaste, and dignified person as well as a scholar and a known writer of his time.

Abdulaziz Efendi was the middle child of Pir Husameddin Ussaki. He was born in the year 978 H (1570 A.C.). After completing his education he became the Mollah of Halep in 1040 H (1631 A.C.) He was dismissed from this position in 1042 H (1632 A.C.) and died in 1045 H (1635 A.C.). He was buried in Ussaki Center in Kasımpasha. He was a known statesman of his time and a scholar.

Abdurrahim Efendi was the youngest son of Pir Husameddin Ussaki. He was born in the year1001 H (1593 A.C.). After completing his education, he became the Mollah of Halep, Diyarbakır, Galata, and Uskudar. He died in the year 1078 H (1667 A.C.) and was buried in Edirnekapı.

Ferah Sultan was the only daughter of Pır Husameddin Ussaki. She was born in the year 983 H (1576 A.C.) She got her education in Medrese-i Ussaki and married with the Kadi of Basra, Vardarizade Mehmet Efendi, who was from Gazi Evranos family. She died in the year 1055 H (1645 A.C.) and was buried in Ussaki Center in Kasımpasha.